Christmas in August?

Every year I start my holiday gift shopping a few months before.  I look at my gift list and then watch for sales.  When I find something wonderful for a specific person, I buy it, wrap it, add the name tag and store it until the Christmas tree goes up.  This may sound too organized for some, but it saves last minute panic, avoids crowds and the disappointment of not getting what I wanted because it is sold out.  The years I haven't done this, I have regretted it.  It allows me to enjoy family time, holiday company, parties, church activities and focus on the true meaning of Christmas.

Make a list of those you buy for.  Each month decide what you can spend and stick to it.  It is helpful if you start putting a little money aside each payday throughout the year.  When our kids lived at home, I used a lot of grocery store coupons.  I took my savings from the coupons and put it in my holiday fund.  It made me work harder at using coupons.

If you listen to your family and friends during the year, you will hear them talk about something they would like, write it down on your gift list if it is within your budget. 

Keep your gift wrap in an easy to-get-to place.  Under a bed or the corner of a closet.  Make sure you have scissors, tape, ribbons and gift tags with the gift wrap. 

Another reason to do this is that you can mail gifts early because they are ready to go.  I print my mailing labels and use the home pick up by the post office so there are no lines to stand in. 

Nosey kids???  I used to use random numbers for the people living in our house, i.e.  #3, #10, #9, # 2, #12.  Those numbers went on the back of the gifts under the ribbon so they weren't easily seen.  I would write the numbers with the assigned name on a piece of paper and put it in my wallet so I wouldn't forget which number belonged to which person.  Of course each child would imagine that the largest gift was for them.  If something was easily identified by the box, I would wrap a different box with directions leading to the real gift.  It was a fun game to play with the kids. 

I understand the economy is creating a hardship for many.  We have had to make some sacrifices over the last couple of years, but there are ways to get around that and still enjoy your traditions and make things special for your family.  Watch for some creative ideas in my next blog.  AND please let me know if you have questions or suggestions!


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