Cozy Ideas for Fall

Light the fireplace; add pine cones for a cozy popping sound and decorate  your hearth for winter.

Keep a soft throw that matches your decor handy for cool days
Simmer potpourri on the stove
Use battery operated candles with timers set to come on each evening as it gets dark
Make caramel apples, try rolling in nuts, chocolate chips or other favorite "topping"

String popcorn or cranberries for the Christmas tree
Make chili stuffed baked potatoes with lots of topping options

Make cinnamon rolls from scratch

Have dinner by candlelight
Put fresh flowers on your kitchen/dining table AND your nightstand

Snuggle with a child and read a book or make up a story

Bundle up and take a walk after dinner and then have homemade hot chocolate with marshmallows when you get home

Learn to knit or crochet and make a scarf and give as a gift

Bring in Fall leaves and pinecones to put in a basket on your hearth or coffee table

Make a double batch of chocolate chip cookie dough and freeze it in logs to pull one out when you want a warm cookie

Add flavored creamers to your coffee

Write a note to a special friend on pretty stationary

Call someone who has been on your mind

Enjoy a day at home in your “comfy” clothes
Buy a “home décor” magazine and glean some ideas for your home

Find a quiet place and read a holiday novel
Plan a surprise outing for your family or a friend and “kidnap” them

Put a quilt or pretty throw on your kitchen table instead of a table cloth


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