Beyond the Total Woman, My Perspective of a Godly Woman

My posts have focused on our physical environment, but that won't bring true contentment if we aren't happy with who we are . In the 1970's there was a controversial book titled The Total Woman.  There were things put in print that had not been published before with Christian women in mind.  It was supposedly the definition of the ideal Christian woman.  Much of it dealt with the sexual side of marriage and some of the unconventional ideas raised eyebrows.  Some likened it to the Christian version of the Stepford wives.  I think there is much more to being a total woman.  A while back, I developed a study to create balance in a woman's life called "Beyond the Total Woman."  I am going share some of the highlights over the next several days. The first is "What Makes You So Special? "

Self-acceptance is an issue that most woman struggle with in one way or another.  I have never met a woman who wouldn't change something about herself.  Even famous woman known for their beauty, make cosmetic changes to their appearance yet their beauty fades over time. Different cultures have different standards of beauty but all women tend to compare themselves to others  If we focus on outward beauty, we will never be satisfied.  So what then?

If we see ourselves as one of a kind, that makes us unique and special.  No one else is like you and me. God has given each of us different abilities, sometimes referred to as spiritual gifts.  When we nurture those, that is when inner beauty takes over and becomes the focus of who we are, giving us a sense of purpose and confidence.  It creates our continence.

Proverbs 31:10-31 is Solomon's concept of the virtuous woman.  It is a role model with a bar so high that he refers to her worth as "far above rubies."  It doesn't mention her beauty.  It mentions her character.  As I share my insight on this topic, I will be including your relationship to God, your husband and others.  I have already shared quite a bit about being organized with your time and home, but because the Proverbs 31 woman was a good business woman, I will include ideas on being a good consumer based on my design knowledge. 

Because life is about more than possessions and circumstances, I am adding real life issues in this series to encourage and inspire you.  I realize there are many hurting, unhappy women, even in the Christian community, and I am praying that my perspective will give a sense of worth and peace to each one who reads my blog.

If you want to read the foundation for the next several posts, I suggest this link with John Wesley's commentary.

My next post:  "What Makes You So Special?"



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