Keeping Some Color in Winter

Have you ever felt that your home was "bare" after the holiday decorations were taken down?  One way to keep a little brightness during dull winter days is to leave some decorations up. 

I keep the garland with white lights and red berries up on the mantel, removing the ribbon.  The two faux pine topiary trees on the front porch with lights that come on at sunset will stay in place until Daylight Savings time.  The Christmas wreath on the door is replaced with one with "natural" decorations, like pine cones, artificial fruit and birds. 

I use a lot of battery operated candles with timers.  The Christmas candle rings are replaced with natural looking greenery.  The candles come on in the evening even if I am gone and add a cozy feeling to the rooms each evening.

In the Pennsylvania Amish country and surrounding areas, there is a charming tradition of keeping lit candles in the windows.  They are welcoming to neighbors and friends and create inviting curb appeal. I leave them on all year. 

Keeping your blinds open or up lets the sunshine in.  I love the cast shadows that are created on the walls from the trees in the yard  If you put a bird feeder in a place that can be easily seen from a window you can enjoy the wildlife in your yard.  Make sure to place some fresh water in a shallow dish or birdbath. 

If you have a fireplace, use it.  Make some time to sit and read, snuggle the kids or play a game. 

Wishing you a cozy winter!


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