What Makes You So Special, Part 2

We strive to make the most of our inner beauty but we also need to work on our appearance.  God looks at the heart but man looks at our outward appearance. 

We have a responibility to take good physical care of ourselves.  Controling our weight and excercise is part of that.  I understand how depressing it can be to be overweight.  I was on and off of a certain medication over the last twenty years.  My weight fluctuated to the point that I had 5 different sizes of clothes.  While I wanted to lose weight, the high dose of medication I took kept me from physically being able to.  It also drained me of the energy to excercise.  If you are struggling with your weight and don't have medical reasons for not being able to diet, enlist a friend to join you in weight loss or to be your cheerleader.  If you can't join a gym, you can walk, watch an excercise program or video.  I purchased a piece of equipment that works for me.  I can watch an hour of TV or talk on the phone while using it, making the time go fast.  There are several advantages to working out at home.  You aren't paying for the gym, you don't have to leave home in bad weather and you save travel time.. 

There are few women who don't benefit from a little make up.   If I didn't wear make up, one of two things would happen.  I would scare you or you wouldn't recognize me!  There have been very few days since I was a teenager that I have gone without make up.  The time is worth it.  I am never embarrassed about my appearance.  It gives me confidence to know I look my best when I interact with people.

Our choice of clothing is also important.  Modesty is not common anymore in our society.  What image do you give with your clothing?  Do men notice you because of your attire and if so, is that the perception you want them to have?  Some women can wear things that others can't and shouldn't.

Are your clothes appropriate to the activity?  When I meet with a client, I want to be professional in business dress.  When I go to a ball game, I want to be casual but neat and attractive.  When I go to church, I don't want to look like I came from working in the yard.  I want to be respectful.

My jeans come from Walmart, most of my other clothes come from Steinmart.  I don't need to wear designer clothes with someone elses name on embroidered on my derriere. Clothes don't have to be expensive to be "she she".  Well planned clothing purchases can give you options suitable for every occasion.  In a future posts I will give some fashion shopping ideas and suggestions to make the most of the things you have along with weight loss tips. 

Taking care of your physical appearance helps with self respect and the way others perceive you.  One of my main motivations for keeping up my appearance is that I always want to look my best for my husband.  There are a lot of other women out there who look terrific and I want him looking at me!. 

If you read the Proverbs 31 link on my post a few days ago, you read Proverbs 31:22, " She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple."

The virtuous woman, not only took care of her family, home and business, but she took care of herself and her appearance.  Likewise, in the book of Esther, we see her going to great pains to make herself attractive to her husband.  Remember that who you are is by design.  That is what makes you so special.


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