Table Setting for Special Friends
Everything doesn't have to match. The pink table cloth has a smaller lace table cloth on top. A tapestry runner is placed down the center of the table. The candles are placed in silver candlestick holders and are battery operated.
Monogrammed napkins are placed in a silver napkin ring.
The gold lame bags hold foil wrapped chocolates.
A bone china strawberry basket hold the fresh berries, cream and sugar. I love this piece because it can also hold cookies to be passed with the cream and sugar.
The crystal goblets are heirlooms given to me by a friend. I like to serve sparkling juices in the champagne glasses. For this dessert I am serving Sparkling Cherry, water, coffee, assorted teas, and eclair cake along with the fruit and candy. You can find the eclair cake recipe in my next post.
Tip: My mother made my monogrammed napkins. If you know someone who has a monogramming sewing machine, see if they will monogram some napkins for you. They add a nice touch to the table.