Upscale Touches for Discount Clothes

I am amazed what women are routinely willing to pay for clothing.  I have splurged on some things but find I can save a lot by looking at discount stores.  I look for things that I really love; if I just like it, it stays in the store.  Here are a few ideas to get an upscale and up-to-date look.

While it is good to have some basics like a black skirt and slacks, a simple blouse and jacket, add variety to the style of your clothing and the colors you select.  If you aren't comfortable with a bright color in your garments, wear the color in accessories.

Change buttons on jackets or blouses to compliment and dress up your garment.

Vintage buttons are a great finishing touch to tops, sweaters, coats and purses.  Check thrift stores for something with unique buttons, remove them and put on one of your tops. 

If I get rid of a top with pretty buttons, I will cut them off and reuse them.  I have a button box to keep the extra buttons that come with new clothes and also buttons I want to save.

Add trims, fringes, ribbons or other embellishments to sweaters, vests, skirts or blouses.

Sew seed pearls or beads onto a simple blouse in a random pattern.

There are rhinestone appliques that can be ironed on to a top or pants.  I covered a stain with an applique.  By carefully placing the applique on the top, the stain is no long visible.  It looks better than it did before.

Add ribbon embroidery to a plain sweater or sweatshirt.

Use fabric paints to do simple designs on jeans and sweatshirts. You can do a freehand design or use a pattern or stencil.

If you crochet, it is easy to make an elegant edging for an otherwise plain piece of clothing.  If you don't sew, the fabric section of craft stores sell crocheted trims by the yard. 

Lace and ruffles are very popular this year and can be added to things in your closet.  Adding a wide lace ruffle to a plain black jacket sleeve is a great accent.  Attach it to the inside of the cuff with snaps so you can remove it when you want.  If you like tailored clothing, look for a pleated trim in place of lace.

Don't sew?  There are permanent fabric glues that can often be used to add embellishments.  Test the glue on an inside seam to make sure it won't leave a stain.  Fusible webbing is another option.  It irons on.  Be sure your fabric can tolerate heat before applying the webbing.

Large clip on earrings can dress up the toe of a plain shoe.  Place a piece of masking tape inside over the clip to keep it from coming off or scratching your toes. 

Scarves, pashminas and shawls can quickly dress up an outfit.  I like to tie a scarf around my waist in place of a belt.
Some of my favorite stores are Stein Mart, Marshalls, TJ Maxx and Chico's.  Chico's can be pricey, but if you sign up for a Chico's card, they send coupons.  I wait for sales.  Recently I bought two $129 jackets for $29 each, and a pair of $79 jeans for $14.  Stein Mart also has a card that will give you credit for coupons even if you don't have it.  There are some other stores that discount, but I find these stores are usually organized making it easy to find things without digging through racks. 

Look at fashion magazines online and see what the new trends are.  Just adding a few embellishments to your existing wardrobe can give you a fresh, updated look.  Keep in mind if you embellish bargain clothing or things you have in your closet, it will be easier to part with them when the trends change because you don't have a big investment in them.

These ideas are basic, but can make a huge difference in the appearance of an outfit.  Accessories can give one item of clothing a couple of different looks.  It is a great way to expand your wardrobe. 


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